Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Enemy's Flag 


A Star Spangled Facepalm

This is the American flag, and it should fly high and proud above every government building. There was a point, not so many years ago, that this flag flew from damn near every house in the nation. We flew it because we felt a bit of unity. We were one people. We were one people.
Most of us have taken a pledge to uphold this flag. We raised our hands daily and spoke the same pledge. I meant it. I am a Patriot, and this is the symbol of my pride.

On Flying the Enemy Flag

The United States of America has made enemies over the many years that we have been a nation. We have fought the Nazis, the Viet-cong, and the North Koreans. We have also fought a group among us who wished to destroy our nation, the Confederates.

If I see an Al Queda flag flying above a government building, I'm going to freak out! If I see a North Korean flag flying above the state capitol, I might have to scream. If I see a Nazi flag flying over even a post office, I might get violent.

 The rebel flag stood for those who wished to break the union. They wanted to prove us divisible. They were slave owners, as were the men who wrote our constitution. I will not forgive them for that, but it was the attack against our nation that earned them the far most potent title of "Enemy". They were not successful then, but now others take up their flag.

South Carolina, USA

Now, you people in South Carolina have been flying an enemy flag over your capitol building for years. Enemy fucking flag....for fucking years.

Flying an enemy flag over a building means that building has fallen to the enemy, and maybe that is an appropriate truth in South Carolina. It looks that way in all the pictures I have seen.
You politicians are lucky that the president did not send the Army in to conquer your rebellion the moment the enemy flag was hoisted over the capitol building.

This isn't about racism or someone being offended. Every single American who swore an oath to our flag should be offended. If you get mad when you see someone step on the U.S. Flag, this should really infuriate you.

Flying a flag is a declaration of allegiance. Flying a flag above your government buildings has real meaning. Flying a rebel flag above your state capitol says only one thing: We are in rebellion. This is not your trailer park. Keep the enemy flags off of our nation's buildings!

Second Amendment

We debated these laws on guns for so long, and for what purpose? To stop people from hoisting enemy flags over our buildings. To stop people from threatening our union.
Now where are you? Where are your guns and militias? Why aren't you marching over to stop the government from falling to outside forces?

The truth is that we are losing our unity. We are becoming a nation of people without a nation. We have people flying enemy flags above us, and we are debating if people have the right to be offended because the enemy army owned slaves. Wake up people.