Wednesday, May 6, 2015

How to Choose an American President: A Non-Partisan Guide (Single Page Article)

How to Choose an American President:

 A Non-Partisan Guide

The next Presidency is going to be monumental, 

        for better or worse.

I cannot stress enough how important this presidential election is for our nation. We stand on the edge of moving forward into greatness once more, or sliding back into depression and hardship. It is completely possible for the United States of America to lose her place as a world power. Our next few steps are treacherous, and they may make us great or lay us low. 

We live in an era of continued conflict among our own people as well as conflict abroad. Racial and religious tension is the order of the day. Police brutality, on-going religious struggles, and immigration control are this generation's challenges. A President must be able to guide our nation to tackle these issues, all while balancing the budget and visiting foreign dignitaries. Our generation is fighting the good fight against both foreign aggression and civil unrest. The indivisibility of our nation is being tested. As things heat up, change is inevitable. The next President we choose will head our ship during this storm, for better or worse. Please choose wisely.

Choosing a Leader

First and foremost, I should establish what it is that we want in a leader. The basic answer is: We want someone in office who is good for all of America. 
 It is very tempting to simply choose the candidate that will fight for your group. Rich, poor, entrepreneur, working class, or immigrant, but as the most advanced people on the globe we must resist the easy road. What is good for America is good for her people. When businesses make more money, there are more jobs. When the poor are fed, crime goes down, and the businesses make more money. Choose a president who is going to represent the entire nation rather than pander to her own clique. It is your responsibility if you step into the voting booth to choose wisely. We cannot afford a poor leader.

With the obvious stuff out of the way:

      What should I look for in a candidate?

Objectivity, Honesty, Willpower

   A candidate should respond to questions he is asked by answering the question, directly and fully. A President needs to be concise and detailed. Many candidates will respond to a question about Taxes with a long version of, "Yes, I do love America." 
A question dodger is a deceptive person by nature, and should not be trusted with an important office. If he doesn't answer your questions before he becomes President, he certainly will not answer them afterward.  Look for a candidate that tackles the hard questions and is not ashamed of his stance. A candidate should not flip flop or "put on an accent". The American President needs to be a person of extreme virtue. A President should represent America and exalt America's ideals. We believe in honesty and hard-work, I'm fairly certain, and our leader should send that message everytime she takes the podium.

On a side note: Politicians are rarely trust-worthy, and there have been lots of Presidents that were not politicians.

All the News is so Biased! Where do I get the Straight Dope?!

Read every source you can find with an open mind. There is no one source for news or info that is completely non-biased. Humans have opinions, and news comes from humans. The only logical solution is to watch ALL the news, or at least a bunch of it. Read the internet. Trust the sources that don't exaggerate. When a source makes a statement that one candidate wants to "destroy America" or something as ridiculous, quit listening and move on to another source. Remember, the quality of your source of information is the quality of your wisdom. The US Government is not an arena that can forgive exaggeration or "misspoken" words. 
Read and watch and learn and most importantly, do not "buy in" to one source. There are few larger mistakes that a person can make than to fully trust one source of information. 

What about Network News? 

The bigger, the better, right?

A million ways to die on the television.
Watch some Republican News and watch some Democratic News. Remember that the networks exist to make money, not to inform people accurately. 
Compare what each group has to say about your candidate. There is probably a hint of truth to what your candidate's opponent's are saying. You will learn a great deal about your candidate from the way each news source portrays them.
Then look deeper. Newspapers and forums have a multitude of thoughts and opinions. Dive on in!

"I heard Honey Boo Boo is Running! WHEW!"

Ya'll ever herd a dat shit called sandwichs? They are like, the shit.
Do not listen to actors and artists simply for the fact that they are famous. Let's be honest, most of them are no more qualified than you or I. Hear what they have to say, perhaps. Just don't drink the Kool-aid. Artists are often passionate and well spoken, but for the most part they live a different life than the rest of us. It is difficult for them to understand the needs of the rest of Americans.

Sleep On It

Watch a candidate that you are following speak at several locations. Judge your candidate's commitment. Does your candidate promise or promote different things at different venues? Does your candidate even visit a wide range of listeners? The President is the leader of all Americans. Despite partisan and political ties, a President needs to hear all of the people that he will represent.


Try your very best to ignore mud slinging. Candidates commonly revert to this tactic in the later phase of campaigning, but it can take place anytime. Try to ignore the mud-slingers as well. A person who makes enemies quicker than friends is not a person we need leading our diverse culture. 

It's getting HOT in here....

Looks DO Matter

Our President will compete on a Global scale. His pose and demeanor will be the face of America. We do not want a messy or haggard person to represent our nation. We are a good and strong people,  Our President must be good and strong as well.

With great power...

  If you do choose to cast your vote, I ask you as a person and an American to give your every effort to examine your candidate honestly and without bias. Please do not simply vote for Red or Blue. If the candidate chosen by the Republicans or Democrats is not a worthy candidate, there are independents who stand a real chance with modern social media and internet. I would rather vote for myself than know I helped a fool into office.

DGF BADGE FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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